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Monday, January 25, 2010


Ugh...what a night! We are just getting power's been a miserable day. Rainy, windy, and all around sloppy! What happened to the snow?! Not impressed.
So, just a quick run-down of my day:

Does anyone else love having leftover pancakes? They are so good toasted! I had three leftover until I couldn't hold off any longer and had one in the middle of the night last night, hehe. Figured I'd leave one for me until tomorrow morning, too :)

Topped with some almond butter! And then some of the greek yogurt with jam. It was like AB&J on my pancake :) So good. Egg white, orange, and GMC Coffee accompanied it.

Packed my lunch of leftover coconut-chili chicken curry from Saturday night and hurried off to work. Our road was a sheet of ice, but luckily once I hit the main roads it wasn't so bad. I left at 4:15 rather than my usual 5:30, too. I hate driving in storms in the dark. SO foggy, windy, and rainy, glad I came home when I did.
But not glad to have to cook by candlelight! I had this magnificent concoction dreamed up. But then I felt selfish when I think of all the people in Haiti without power, and here I am bummed that I can't make one meal with lights - I mean, we have a gas stove, not electric, so I sort of still executed it! hah.

I present my candle light polenta bake! haha. It was actually, really good. Ideally, this would be made with a homemade polenta top, which I could have done since I have the cornmeal, but the idea only struck me because I had pre-prepared polenta to use. The "filling" was chicken sausage, diced tomatoes, parm & l.c. cheese, onion, basil, garlic, carrots, and red pepper. I initially wanted to make it creamier, but when you have no power you kind of try to just make one trip in and out of the fridge. It'll happen again!

After I ate I pretty much decided to just crash. Layed on the couch dozing off by the fire for a while, but woke up around 9 and came to bed...I just happened to wake up hungry, and the power came back on right as I was finishing up some applesauce and a sandwich thin, haha. Happy to have it back so we have power for the morning, though. Will make life easier! And I have a paper to print!
Hope everyone else had a good night. Have you been having crazy weather too?!


  1. The weather here was SOO CRAZY! Yesterday when I woke up it was 50 degrees out!! 2 days before the HIGH was 30! Today it cooled down again, right now it's 30 again... oh well!
    Have a great day!

  2. Yes, we had crazy rain in CA...thankfully it made its way to CO in the form of snow just in time for us to ski! Glad to hear you now have power!
    Love toasted pancakes :)

  3. wow!!! So glad you stumbled on to my blog and now I stumbled on to your! I already got some inspiration and I really want to try those citrus poppy-seed cookies you wrote about earlier. And now I know what to do with my cilantro and chickpeas (FALAFELS WOO). Anyway, glad you got your power back! Sloppy days are sooo dreadfully dreary :\

