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Sunday, January 24, 2010


I have a confession to make to you all.
"Oh, great. What now?" You're surely thinking.
Oh, it's nothing bad. But you see, I've been holding out on you all this time. Nothing serious, of course. It's just that...if I may sound conceited for a moment...I can make a mean pancake. The other part of my confession? I can't make a pretty pancake to save my soul. You know those pictures of beautiful, golden pancakes with the perfect edges, all smooth and...well...flawless? Nope. Not I, said the cat. Granted, part of it has to do with the fact that I use a mixture of flours, and ll-purpose or cake isn't one of them - I'll probably never see those golden tops with the pancakes I make. But you know what? When they taste this good, I'm okay with that.
And yet, I haven't made pancakes once since I've started this blog.
Maybe because I got on a little bit of a french toast kick. But I think it had moreso to do with the fact that "my" pancake recipe involves buttermilk. I haven't had anything else to do with buttermilk lately, and was afraid to try "my" recipe without real buttermilk.
But, today was the morning for substitutions. Because I also wanted to incorporate Buckwheat flour, and "my" pancake recipe doesn't [didn't] call for buckwheat flour.
I was going big, or going home. Or, at least retreating in shame to my bedroom, would be the better way to say it...
Lets Start, Shall We?

Multi-Grain Blueberry Citrus Buckwheat Pancakes

-1/3 c. Whole Wheat Flour
-1/3 c. Buckwheat Flour
-2 T. Wheat Bran
-2 T. Rolled Oats
-1 T. Cornmeal
-1 T. Stevia [alternatively, you could use raw sugar, brown sugar, turbinado...your call.]
--1.5 t. Baking Powder
-1/4 t. Baking Soda
-1/4 t. Salt
-Cinnamon and Nutmeg, to taste [honestly, who measures cinnamon and nutmeg?]
-approx. 3/4 c. Plain 0% Fat Greek Yogurt (I used one 8 oz. cup) [flavored would most likely taste quite good, as well.]
-1/2 c. soy milk [I used regular, Vanilla would be great.]
-1.5 t. Vanilla
-Blueberries [I used "two handfuls" haha]
-zest of half of one lime
-2 eggs, separated
-2 T. unsweetened applesauce
-nonstick cooking spray

1. In a medium bowl, combine your dry ingredients: flours, whet bran, oats, cornmeal, stevia, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lime zest.

In a separate, smaller bowl, combine your yogurt, milk, vanilla, egg yolks, and applesauce.

2. In another mixing  bowl, beat your egg whites until you have stiff peaks. I promise you, this is the key for perfect pancakes. This is worth the effort and dishes. Anyways, it's winter. That warm water feels good on your hands.

3. Add your wet ingredients to the dry, excluding your egg whites. Add your blueberries at this time, as well.

Stir until just combined. Lumps are okay, it's a part of life.

Get a little concerned that these may be the ugliest pancakes ever due to the color of Buckwheat, but bravely march forward. You might like to start preheating your pan at this time, as well - nonstick pan, sprayed with nonstick cooking spray.

4. Gently fold in your egg whites.

Oogle at the pretty clouds. Don't overfold, please.

5. When your skillet is hot, spoon with a 1/4 c. measuring cup onto pan. The batter is thick, not "pourable," so it is beneficial to spread it out a bit.

Think about how awesome it would be if you bought that gigantic griddle you saw at Big Lots yesterday.

5. Pancakes are ready to flip once they start to bubble and are firm when you slide your spatula underneath. I am a paranoid cook, and lightly spray the tops a bit to prevent any sticking. It's probably not necessary, but remember there is no oil in the batter, also.

Begin to think your modifications won't be so bad after all.

Pass first batch off to taste testers. Cross your fingers for the same rave reviews you usually get. Become ecstatic upon hearing that this version is preferred. Mourn a little bit when you realize you have ten more to cook before you get to dig in.

6. Make your plate prettier than everyone else's. Because you can.

Yields: 12 pancakes. Plus the little baby shown on top. Does anyone else get a kick out of making a little baby pancake out of the last of the batter, rather than making one monster one? I do.

Stack with strawberry preserves (blueberry would probably make more sense. my college-ness is kicking in at this point) in between, and garnish with some coconut and lime zest. Coconut just because you almost put some in the batter, but then weren't sure if it was just your "throw every flavor known to man in the same bowl" voice speaking.

Dig in!

Someday I'm sure I'll post the original recipe - I'm bound to have some leftover buttermilk since I prefer it for mashed taters - but I'm glad I now know I don't need it.

See you guys for lunch and dinner!


  1. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog! You are a very talented photographer. Are you considering it as a profession? My fiance is a videographer and owns his own production company so I know a lot about the photog world! Glad I found your blog.

  2. Hi-
    Thanks so much! I'm not so sure if it is to be my sole profession just because it's definitely tough to make a living at around here, but I definitely want it to be a major part of my life and keep it on the side. I'm still a newbie to the food photography world, but - I'm enjoying playing with my food :P
    And a videographer - that's awesome! I always wish I was more up to date with videography, but whenever I have to make a video I definitely out-think my capabilities and wind up with mass disaster, haha.

  3. Yum! I've been wanting pancakes for some while! After looking at those pictures, I might have them for dinner!

  4. Hey, there's nothin' wrong with breakfast for dinner! I'd eat breakfast for all meals if I could get away with it :P In fact I have three leftovers that I'm almost tempted to have until I think of how good they'll be for brekkie tomorrow morning, lol.

  5. These are so well documented and look scrumptious... and they are good for you too? Ooh la la! Nice to have found your blog.

  6. these look delicious! i can't make pretty pancakes either, but i just say that they have character. your photography is amazing though! i love the last picture!

  7. Very yummy and healthy too ! Buckwheat makes all the difference.

  8. Usually I'm not such a big fan of anything healthy. And I REALLY love my pancakes!! So this, for me, is a more than brilliant compromise. Thanks.

  9. I am always surprised when a 'healthy' cook uses non-stick (teflon-coated) cookware. Do you not have any concerns about this coating being toxic?

  10. Hi, Kitblue!
    Thanks for your visit to my blog and vocalizing your concern. I love hearing everyone else's take on health products.
    I also drink out of a nalgene bottle and use canned food products, and artificial sweeteners sneak into my diet, as well as multiple other products that aren't known to be dangerous yet, but are sure to be discovered to be dangerous before my time here is up.
    Should I look into the side effects of teflon more? Absolutely...and your point is perfectly logical & understood. Maybe I should re-word my blog "motive"? I try to be healthy, but we all have our downfalls, I guess. I'm still learning, but for my age think I'm doing okay so far :)

  11. What a wonderful post and I really like the concept of your blog! I am a 22-year-old student living in New York City and trying to be healthy & full. If you have time, you can check out my (not-as-beautiful) blog: - although I haven't put as much work into it as you have!

  12. Great pictures! Love the blog site!

    Yum...this sounds so healthy!

    Thanks for sharing.

